Night after night, millions of people struggle to get a good night’s rest. Some people struggle for weeks, months, or even years at a time, constantly unable to get a decent night’s sleep. This frustrating problem is common – so common in fact that it impacts up around 25 percent of Americans (Read more).

The lack of sleep is more than an inconvenience – it’s a dangerous problem that can reduce your ability to function properly. From loss of productivity and mood changes to reduced reaction time in physical activities, insomnia can considerably reduce your standard of living. But why are so many people experiencing it?

Insomnia is actually more complicated than one might expect, so it’s impossible to give a single cause. For some people, it may be caused by hormonal and chemical issues, but it can also be due to stress, physical discomfort, and anxiety. Some studies suggest that the light emitted from electronic devices also contributes to sleep problems.

What can I do about insomnia?

The source of your insomnia may dictate the solution, but you can take some steps to improve your situation. Here are some simple things you can do to overcome insomnia and get some much needed rest.

  • Turn off all electronic devices thirty minutes to an hour before going to bed.
  • Go to bed at the same time and get up around the same time each day.
  • Find a comfortable position and breathe deeply and slowly.
  • Avoid all stimulants starting from the afternoon onward. If you’re particularly sensitive, then cut them out earlier in the day or avoid them all together.
  • Exercise earlier in the day, avoiding evening workout sessions.

While there are over-the-counter medications that can help you get to sleep, these often leave you feeling tired long after you wake up. Fortunately,  CBD strips are a natural, safe, and effective treatment that can help with insomnia. It’s also non-habit forming, so you can use it to help with your insomnia when you’re experiencing it and not create a longer-term problem that leaves you dependent.