In the 14th season of Grey’s Anatomy, Dr. Alex Karev had a patient named Kimmie Park. Kimmie suffered from an inoperable brain tumor. Her chemotherapy made it too painful for her to eat food. Dr. Karev wanted to give Kimmie CBD in order to help her eat, but the girl’s grandmother was adamant in her disapproval.

“[You want] to give a twelve-year-old marijuana? Are you out of your mind?!…You don’t get to turn her into a drug addict like her parents!”Games People Play, season 14 episode 14

Unfortunately, Kimmie’s grandmother’s mindset is all too common among people. Too many folks will not even consider using CBD for their pain because they are worried about becoming addicts. They do not realize that CBD is not the same as THC. Its objective is not to get you high – it is to help you overcome your pain in a non-addictive manner. The World Health Organization agrees, saying outright that current evidence indicates it is unlikely to be abused or create dependence like THC can.

While Kimmie in Grey’s Anatomy needed CBD to help with her chemo side effects, CBD can be used for less severe yet still significant symptoms as well. Chronic pain, depression, arthritis, and diabetes are just a few of the conditions it can be used for in treatment.

At this episode’s conclusion, the grandmother relents. Kimmie takes the CBD and is able not only to eat her food, but to feel well enough to play a game of checkers too as she eats. Grey’s Anatomy may not be a documentary, but it shows fictional television can still be a useful tool in learning about certain medical advances – CBD included. To learn more about the real-world effects of CBD usage, please visit our website. You can see how overcoming and managing your pain in a simple and safe way is something that can happen in real life, not just on a TV show.