CBD is all the rage these days, but there are still plenty of misconceptions about what it is, what it isn’t, and what it can actually do when taken. Unfortunately, many people don’t use CBD strips to improve the quality of their life due to these misconceptions. Today we’re going to clear up the misunderstandings surrounding CBD strips so that more people feel comfortable using it to resolve pain, improve depression, and receive many other benefits it can offer.

CBD is short for Cannabidol, which is one of the two most abundant chemicals found in the cannabis plant. CBD strips contain the concentrated extract of this compound. The other well-known chemical found in the cannabis plant is tetrahydrocannabinol, otherwise known as THC. This is where the confusion comes into the picture.

THC is found in high quantities in marijuana, and it affects your mental state. CBD is most abundant in hemp and does not affect your mental state. So while these two chemicals are forms of cannabinoids, they are not the same nor do they have the same effect on the body.

Those concerned that CBD strips are essentially the same as using marijuana can rest at ease knowing that this simply isn’t the case.

How can CBD strips help?

Our body naturally has a unique system of receptors called the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Our body also naturally produces endocannabinoids which interact with the ECS to keep us healthy in a range of ways (Learn more about this). This system is important in regulating many functions, like sleep, appetite, pain, and the immune response.

So our bodies are specifically reactive to cannabinoids, and need them to function properly. This is why CBD strips are effective in helping improve so many problems we face, from insomnia to chronic pain. By taking CBD strips, you can use the ECS within your body to resolve pain, relieve depression, reduce anxiety, decrease inflammation, and much more!

As you can see, CBD strips tap into our own internal system to provide a host of positive benefits. It acts completely differently than THC, the chemical found in marijuana, and will not get you “high” or otherwise alter your state of consciousness. It will, however, help ease the pain of arthritis, calm chronic pain, improve insomnia, and offer you a better overall standard of living!